Therapy for Depression

Depression is more than just feeling sad. So many of us feel this way and so many of us are silenced by others ideas (or our perceived ideas of how others think) about how we should feel.

Oftentimes people who struggle with depression tell me they feel too embarrassed and ashamed to admit it. That they don’t have many friends or stopped talking to the people they used to talk to. That they don’t participate and don’t enjoy the things they used to anymore. A lot of people who are depressed are experts at hiding it. You may ask yourself “why doesn’t anyone notice? Do they even care?”

People who are depressed often report feeling invalidated, lonely, invisible, hopeless and with lack of motivation. It sometimes feels oddly comfortable and familiar to be depressed. I hear often from clients who are depressed that they sometimes experience guilt when thinking about getting better.

Regardless if this is your first time having a bout of intense sadness or if you have experienced and suffered with depression for a very long time, we are here to help. It does not have to be this way. We want to help you understand where these feelings started and help motivate you to spark change. To walk alongside you on your journey to healing and hold light to the path so you can see where to step next. To become the you who you deserve to be and deep down, the you who you always have been.